23 mai 2015

Prithvi. Mudra

Prithvi (Earth) mudra: This mudra amplifies the earth element of the body. Earth elements is a vital component of bones, cartilage, skin, hair, nails, muscles, tendons, internal organs, etc. Practice of Prithvi mudra builds and invigorates these tissues and strengthens the bones. It produces stability, confidence and strengh.

Method: Gently touch the tip of ring finger and thumb, while the other three are stretched or free. Duration: 30-45 minutes every day, together or in 3 parts during the day. 
Benefits: It reduces stress, weakness, helps in weight gain, increases blood circulation & Kapha, boosts self esteem & confidence. Also, it increases determination and directs individuals towards spirituality. It improves digestive power, develops vitality and removes deficiency of vitamins.

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